Development Services

Hokrix boasts a highly skilled team of developers with extensive industry expertise. We have honed our abilities in assisting numerous clients worldwide in successfully launching their ICOs, IDOs, and STOs, enabling them to raise substantial funds for their ventures. Our tailored development solutions are designed to equip you for success and provide support in navigating the ever-changing market conditions.


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    The market's best firm for developing Blockchain applications

    Engage with our ICO,IDO and STO Experts
    Security Layer
    Polygon Network Layer
    Execution Layer
    Blockchain Protocol Development
    Important Layers Of Blockchai

    Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

    ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, is a fundraising process conducted within the Blockchain ecosystem. It involves a company raising capital by offering crypto coins/tokens to investors in exchange for their investment. These tokens have a unique characteristic of supporting open-source projects. Unlike traditional investments, ICO investors acquire rights to a specific project rather than ownership in the company launching the project. One of the notable features of ICOs is decentralized decision-making, which may grant investors a say in project-related decisions. Additionally, the project associated with an ICO may not be subject to direct taxation. ICOs are often used to promote the adoption of new cryptocurrencies or to market new services.

    There are two types of ICOs: Private ICO and Public ICO. In a Private ICO, a limited number of investors are given the opportunity to participate, while in a Public ICO, anyone can become an investor.

    Initial DEX Offering (IDO)

    IDO, which stands for Initial DEX Offering, is the predecessor of ICO. This type of coin or token offering typically takes place on decentralized exchanges (DEX). Unlike ICOs, where tokens are sold before being listed on exchanges, IDO tokens are immediately made available on DEX platforms. This fundraising method is considered fair as it eliminates the need for intermediaries in creating liquidity pools. With immediate liquidity, tokens can be traded instantly on the platform.

    Blockchain Protocol Development
    Important Layers Of Blockchai

    Security Token Offering

    STO (Security Token Offering) and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) share many similarities, but their main difference lies in the involvement of governmental entities. STOs are subject to regulation by governmental agencies and must comply with their guidelines. Unlike ICOs, STOs are backed by assets that possess tangible monetary value. Many assets are challenging to trade or transfer, but through STOs, owners can digitize their assets and divide them into smaller tokens, allowing for fractional ownership. These tokens can be bought, exchanged, and even destroyed in accordance with the regulations set by governmental institutions.

    How Hokrix can help you?

    Token Development

    At Hokrix, our team of experts can assist you in developing and constructing models for cryptocurrency tokens. We possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to guide you through the process effectively.

    White Paper Creation

    Our team of expert writers will deliver a concise whitepaper that provides a comprehensive description of your ICO/IDO/STO process. We ensure that all the crucial aspects are covered in detail.

    Digital Assets

    We are here to provide you with comprehensive guidance on leveraging digital assets to revolutionize your business. Our experts will offer detailed advice tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

    Legal Consulting for STO

    Our team conducts meticulous legal research to identify and recommend the most suitable solution for your project. With a thorough understanding of the legal landscape, we provide expert guidance tailored to meet your project’s specific requirements.

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